Quiet relaxing piano music keys
Quiet relaxing piano music keys


They were rediscovered and translated by Rita Steblin in her book A History of Key Characteristics in the 18th and Early 19th Centuries in 1983. A German music theorist and composer John Mattheson laid it out in his writings way back in 1713, among many other related topics. Now, we didn’t come up with these feelings all by ourselves. You have to create an atmosphere that conjures up their own experiences and memories.Īnd you do this by choosing the proper musical key that expresses the characteristics of those emotions. You have to touch people’s hearts and minds. But you don’t want to just add these words to your lyrics. Comprehending the complexities of combined emotionsīeing able to internalize all of these words and understand the deep richness they can conjure up can help expand the reach of the power of your music. They are subtle explanations of how specific base emotions combine to create more complex feelings. Unless you’re going for some crazy juxtaposition effect, just find the feeling you want out of the list below and get to work! Understanding EmotionsĮveryone knows about the base emotions, and most people use certain other words as if they’re synonyms for the base emotions. Well here’s your list! We’re going to help you match the tone and psychological effect that you want your song to have to a specific key so it’s not a wasted effort. The key of patience, calmly waiting for fate, destiny, and the submission to providence and karma. Angry, Jealous, Fury, Despair, Burdened with negative energy. The Garment of Night, Surly, Blasphemous, Turning away the world and the divine. Optimistic and able to take control in order to ensure peace. Love, Clear Conscience, Hopeful Aspirations for the future and a better world. Belief in Heaven and reuniting with lost loved ones. Innocent Love, Satisfaction with the current state of affairs. A negative look at the experiences of life, competition, growth. Suffocation of the Heart, Lamentations, Life-Long Struggles. Putrefaction, Expansive viewpoints of a dark cosmos and existence. Worry of the future, of a failed plan, gnashing of teeth. Tearing at your hair and shirt, discontentment, long periods of lamentation and crying. Brilliant clarity of thought and feeling. Surmounting foes and finally finding rest in victory. F Minorĭeepest depression, lament over death and loss, groans of misery, ready to expire. Deeply angry but composed and sociable still. F MajorĬomplaisance, Controlled calmness over the readiness to explode. Like a princess locked in a tower longing for her rescuer and future lover. This key can carry grief, mournfulness, restlessness. Shouts of Joy, Complete Delight, yet Bickering, Short-fused, Ready to Fight. Quarrelsome, Boisterous, Incomplete Pleasure Love, Devotion, Intimacy, Openness, Honest Communion.

quiet relaxing piano music keys

Fear, hesitation, shuddering, goose bumps. D# Minorĭealing with anxiety and existential terror, deep distress, dark depression. Melancholy, feminine, brooding worries, contemplation of negativity. War marches, holiday songs, invitations to join the winning team. Screaming hallelujah’s, rejoicing in conquering obstacles.

quiet relaxing piano music keys quiet relaxing piano music keys

It is capable of a laugh or smile to pacify those around, but the truth is in despair. An intimate conversation with God about recognition of wrongdoing and atonement. C# MinorĪ passionate expression of sorrow and deep grief.


It is languishing and full of longing, a soul in search of something different. C Minorĭeclarations of love and lamenting lost love or unhappy relationships. There may be some contradictory emotions, showing that the key can be used to describe a range of polar topics. Also, b is used to denote flat while # is used to denote sharp. Musical Key Characteristicsīelow we list every commonly used key, major and minor, along with a succinct version of their emotive expression and also include a more verbose explanation so you can really dig deep for what you’re looking to get across to your listeners.Ī quick way to find what you’re looking for is to use your browser’s find (search) function. After that, unless you’re a super experienced musician you’re going to rip the key off of some other song you know or you’ll consult a list. I can almost guarantee you most songwriters think “Is this a positive emotion or a negative one?” If it’s positive they know they’re going to use a major key and if it’s negative they’ll use a minor key.


It’s not like professional songwriters choose a random key and slap some random chord changes in there and magically end up with the perfect feeling that matches the lyrics. Musical key characteristics are something that are never talked about for some odd reason.

Quiet relaxing piano music keys